How To use Jarvis
Have you ever found yourself pondering what life is like for your dearly departed pet (s) across the Rainbow Bridge? Many of you have heard of the Native American legend that when you die you go to the rainbow bridge and every animal you have had a relationship with will be on the other side and they will decide if you are allowed to enter or not. Native Americans revered animals and whenever they killed one they always did a prayer ceremony and used every part of the animal for survival. Nothing was wasted and they would often take on the name or feel that the animal was part of them. In today's world we love our animals for their sweet loving personalities and dedication. When one of our pets dies a part of us goes with them. Even though we may not see or experience life in spirit, as long as we have an animal in spirit we are connected to the rainbow life in spirit Everything that I talk about I personally have experienced. So I sometimes give names to things that may not be w...