How To use Jarvis

Have you ever found yourself pondering what life is like for your dearly departed pet(s) across the Rainbow Bridge?

Many of you have heard of the Native American legend that when you die you go to the rainbow bridge and every animal you have had a relationship with will be on the other side and they will decide if you are allowed to enter or not.

Native Americans revered animals and whenever they killed one they always did a prayer ceremony and used every part of the animal for survival. Nothing was wasted and they would often take on the name or feel that the animal was part of them.

In today's world we love our animals for their sweet loving personalities and dedication. When one of our pets dies a part of us goes with them. Even though we may not see or experience life in spirit, as long as we have an animal in spirit we are connected to the rainbow life in spirit

Everything that I talk about I personally have experienced. So I sometimes give names to things that may not be what others call them, but again it comes from what I have seen or experienced. I learned several decades ago how to do astral projection and I frequently go into spirit. I go to visit and see my loved ones human and animal and to visit my clients loved ones.

Everything that I present here comes from my own experiences of communicating with deceased pets, including my own, and from my journeys into the spirit world.

Animals and our human loved ones reside in a space where they are able to interact with each other and simultaneously are capable of observing and visiting us.

The best way to describe the other side "Heaven" or "across the Rainbow Bridge" is to imagine it as a world without life or death.

All of the animals live in peace and harmony with each other. It's like the statement in The Bible about the lamb lying down with the lion. There is no fighting as there is perfect peace. They are provided with everything they need by their special guardian angels. They have their own special little places to be. There are not required to do anything except enjoy their spiritual life. The vibration in the spirit world is so intense that you see objects vibrating with colors beyond our dimension.

Your pet is right there having a wonderful time and young and healthy once more.

They visit you frequently and their love for you will never die. They know that you love them and they see you mourning and crying for them. When they really want you to see what a wonderful place they are at. If you could see it through their eyes you would cry for joy. Talk to your pet and ask them to show you where they are. You may see this in a dream, but trust that the spirit world is allowing you to see the beauty of life over the rainbow bridge.

While it may seem far off, it really appears to be right here, just vibrating at a different frequency.

Many people have experienced being in this other world by dying and being able to come back. There are countless experiences that have been documented through medical and other means.

Throughout my life my closest relationships have been with the animals. I was always able to communicate with them and them with me. As my spiritual gifts developed I found I was able to communicate with the deceased. I first started out professionally communicating with departed human loved ones. I then started communicating with departed pets and found that that was more natural and easier for me.

One of the first channelings I did for someone was for their rabbit that had passed on. I was amazed at how much the little rabbit communicated and how happy it made its human parent to know that they were well taken care of in the spirit world.

For the next several months I would connect with animals that had deceased I discovered that living animals can communicate telepathically as well.

Animals that have deceased are able to interact with our other animals who are deceased as well as our human loved ones in spirit. It does not matter if they never met in person.


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